Objednávka tiskových služeb z RD č. 3/2023 pro HZS Zlínského kraje

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail471625. 09. 2023RICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.235 931,85194 985,00235 931,85194 985,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailRICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.Praha0,000,00

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

471620245 901,194 877,02
471620245 272,914 357,78
471620245 146,904 253,64
471620244 693,593 879,00
471620244 669,313 858,93
471620245 437,034 493,41
471620245 610,614 636,87
471620245 505,374 549,89
471620245 828,304 816,78
471620234 628,063 824,84